Gifts for Strangers

December 20th, 2010 | Posted by Improv in Toronto in Completed Missions

The titles of this mission says it all, Improv in Toronto hit the streets, and handed out presents to anyone and everyone who looked like they might need a gift along the streets of Toronto. All the gifts and cards, were personally made, and signed only with the phrase “From one stranger to another, Happy Holidays.“

We started out in front of City Hall, the place was crowded with people skating and enjoying the day.


Santa Claus was even there! Both Santa and his reindeer received a gift from us.

From there we made our way along the streets, stopping random people to hand them a gift.

Some people were hesitant at first about taking the gifts, but generally most people were excited and thankful to receive a gift.

This particular lady was super thankful and excited about her gift.

We kept at it right up til nightfall. Handing out gifts to anyone and everyone who looked like they needed it. Between the whole group of us, hundreds of presents were handed out to complete strangers.


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