Come out and participate in our largest event, and Toronto’s largest annual scavenger hunt!
Every year we work very hard to create the single best scavenger hunt out there, and this is our fifth year doing it. We are incredibly excited to see this years event take place! Please help us spread the word, as the more people who come out, the more fun this event is!
The Details:
When: Saturday, May 3rd from 1:00 PM - 5:00PM
Where: Nathan Phillips Square
What to bring: A backpack, a metro-pass/day-pass, something to take digital pictures with, and about $10 for certain tasks.
Wear: Comfortable clothing, and running shoes. Additionally we will be awarding a prize for the best team costume this year!
RSVP: If you use Facebook please let us know you are attending on our event, otherwise just show up!
Prizes are still to be announced. There will be prizes for the first place team, AND for the best team costume!
**Please contact us if any individuals or companies would like to support us by offering up prizes/sponsoring the event. It is a free event, so prizes/donations really are appreciated:
How The Events Works:
We will be meeting up at Nathan Phillips Square (north side of skating rink) at 1pm. Feel free to be early. Don’t be late!
We will be creating teams of 6-8 people, each with their own team name. If you come alone, we’ll be sure to find you a group, and if you come with friends, don’t worry you can stay with them! Groups can be smaller than 6 (if people want), but no bigger then 8.
The scavenger lists will then be handed out, as well as posted online. The list will contain tons of activities found throughout the downtown core. You will be tasked to complete challenges, find obscure items, solve puzzles, find answers, and take silly pictures. Some will be easy, and others will be quite challenging
You will have a max of two hours to search. With bonus points awarded if you return early. We will be meeting back up at Nathan Phillips Square to tally the points.
Let the scavenge begin!
We are always in desperate need of volunteers! Over the years we have cut down the wait time for teams to be judged dramatically, thanks in large part to volunteer support. If you are interested, please email