Zombies Attack!

October 14th, 2012 | Posted by Improv in Toronto in Completed Missions

A seemingly innocent bystander gets attacked by a zombie, he yells out for your help. Near him lies a pile of foam swords and Nerf guns. Do you take up the call and save your dying comrade? Or do you just keep walking?

We put this question to the test to see to would rise up to the risen dead. We placed a sign inviting any brave souls to choose a weapon with which to rescue the fallen victim from the zombie attack.

What the sign didn’t mention was that selecting a weapon would provoke an outbreak of an even more terrifying zombie attack. When zombies emerge from every direction, the rescuer is forced to slay the incoming horde using their selected weapon.

Who survived the outbreak? Who have fallen prey to the infection? Watch the video below to find out, then continue on to view more photos from the event.

The unwitting victim

Fighting off the zombie horde with a sword

More zombies emerge from out of nowhere

Two zombies seeking out flesh

A hungry zombie

A pile of defeated undead

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