Literal Blind “Date”

June 3rd, 2013 | Posted by EddieC in Completed Missions

In this day in age, it’s easy to have first impressions based off of someone else’s physical appearance. The way they look, the way they carry themselves, the way they dress, we’re a society based around this norm.

And at Improv in Toronto, we always like to push these social norms, just to see what will happen.

On a beautiful April weekend, we gathered up willing participants in a park, sat them across each other at a nice patio set and allowed them to just talk… the only the catch was, they couldn’t see each other.

Like most first date, our participants struggled to come up initial topics of conversation. Small talks, such as  the weather and what they were currently up to the moment before they got recruited for our little social experiment, were thrown around to get something started.

But as the “date” went on, the topics started to flow more freely, and connections started to be made.  By the end, each and every single participant was shocked to hear when we alerted them that they had thirty seconds left to go.

Curious observation, when we told the participants that they were free to leave, there was not a single person who did not want to look through the curtain to put a face to voice they have been mysteriously conversing with. We here at Improv in Toronto hope that one day, a pair of friends would have a great story to the question:

“So, how did you two meet?”

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