As revealed back in Feburary, Improv in Toronto is doing Free Hugs in Toronto on July 4th 2009
Who: Improv in Toronto
What: Free Hugs Day
Where: Nathan Phillips Square, Toronto City Hall
When: July 4th, 2009, 3:00pm
Why: Cause sometimes, the best things in life are free

Bring signs, water, friends and hugs, we will be spreading participants all throughout the city from our starting location of City Hall. Filmers and photographers that are interested in this event please email [email protected] for more details.


Thanks to all who submitted designs for our Logo Competition, over the past month. Though many exciting and stylish designs were entered, one submission stood apart from the rest. The winner, designed by Adrian Pawliszko, has been decided! Here is the new IT logo…


Thanks to all who took the time to design a logo for us! Your work is very much appreciated, and still may be put to use. As well, Adrian we need to award you your prize! So email us back!

You should slowly noticed our new logo popping up all over, including facebook, youtube, twitter and much much more!


Here are the full details for our next mission, the Subway Dance Party 2.5. Please take the time to read all of the instructions on this page.

Please note: This is a participatory event. We encourage participants to leave their cameras at home and have fun participating.

When: Saturday, June 13th at 3:00 PM, Sharp! (Over by around 5:00)
Where: Meet at the giant horseman statue in the middle of Queens Park. To subway there, walk directly south from Museum Station.
Bring: A metropass/tokens and an Ipod or Mp3 Player
Wear: Normal summer clothes

Requirments For Participation:
1) Willing to dance on the subway
2) Pretend you don’t know what’s going on
3) Have fun


Logo Competition

April 11th, 2009 | Posted by Improv in Toronto in Updates - (0 Comments)

Time to show us your skills!

Improv In Toronto is well on the way to becoming a leader in Toronto free and fun events. We have held Massive Waldo Searchs, Crazy Dance Partys, and Awkward No Pants Rides. All the while though, we’ve been missing something. We REALLY need a clear and defining LOGO. And you can give it to us!

The guidelines are quite open: make us something cool and classy that we can put up on our website, facebook group, and most importantly…ON T-SHIRTS! YAY.

Here’s the info you need:
We are called: IMPROV IN TORONTO
The short form is: IT

What do you get out of it? A free t-shirt, a $25 gift certificate, copious amounts of praise, as well as having your work shown all over the internet!

Any questions regarding the competition can be written in the comments section of this post, and will be answered immediatly.

All submissions* can be emailed to
[email protected]
*By submitting your work to us, you are giving us full use and control over the image.

Change Places

April 11th, 2009 | Posted by Improv in Toronto in Completed Missions - (0 Comments)

50 Agents entered the Eaton Centre food court and spread out taking seats or making conversations. Based off of Alice in Wonderland, then had “the mad-hatter” enter. Running into the middle of the food court he would yell “Change Places!” and then take off. At that exact moment, our agents would stop what they were doing and swap places, with another agent.


For our latest mission, we took the ever famous “I Love the World” Discovery Channel commercial, switched around the lyrics, and took it to the streets, err the subway. The video of the mission pretty much says it all:
