Everyone is invited to participate in Improv In Toronto’s 2nd Annual Subway Dance Party.
This is a silent dance party on a subway. All participants come with their OWN MUSIC, on an ipod or mp3 player. We will get on the subway and one by one start dancing, until the whole train is dancing. And yet seemingly to no music
Last years Subway Dance Party:
All the information you need is below. Please read it all so this can be pulled off without any problems!
Requirments For Participation:
1) Willing to dance on the subway
2) Pretend you don’t know what’s going on
3) Have fun
When: Saturday, February 21 at 3:00 PM, Sharp! (Over by around 5:00)
Where: Meet at the giant horseman statue in the middle of Queens Park. To subway there, walk directly south from Museum Station. (Google Maps)
Bring: A metropass/tokens, Mp3 Player or Ipod
Wear: Normal winter clothes (hat, gloves, etc)
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Upcoming Missions
Subway Dance Party Queens Park Music
On a wintry Saturday afternoon, on January 10th, 2009, Improv In Toronto rallied over 300 people to get on the Yonge-University Spadina TTC line, wearing no pants. The “No Pants Subway Ride” mission, originally conceived by Improv Everywhere in New York in 2001. Now in its eighth straight year, 22 cities participated from Sydney to Calgary. Toronto’s “No Pants Subway Ride” had the second most people involved in this mission, after the New York event. Over 300 agents were spread out over an entire subway train, bafflng, surprising, and frightening thousands of transit riders.Four participants act casual
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Completed Missions
No Pants Subway Ride Queens Park
Improv In Toronto’s 2nd Annual Subway Dance Party will take place on Saturday, February 21. More info about the meeting point and start time will be posted later on this month. For now, save the date.
The Subway Dance Party is exactly what it sounds like. We dance on the subway! But we have a twist, it is done silently:
Everyone attending the mission brings there mp3 player or ipod loaded full with fun dance music, and then we all sit around the subway inconspicuously. Once everyone is ready, one person will stand up a begin to dance, then another, etc. We’ll stagger people joining in over the next couple stops so that to the people on the subway it seems completely random and unplanned. As far as they can tell, we all just felt like joining in with the original person.
Last years Subway Dance Party:
The mission will baffle thousands of subway riders, and gives everyone a chance to fulfill there OTHER lifetime dream (the first was riding the subway with no pants), dancing on the subway!
Upcoming Missions
Subway Dance Party Queens Park Music

The second annual No Pants! Subway Ride, was a blast this Saturday in Toronto. We had great turnout of around 300 people, meaning we had more than 3 times the amount from last year! We met up at Queens Park in the ridiculous temperature of -9 and quickly dispersed into six groups. Each group was assigned a car they would be getting on.
If you were there, leave us an agent report in the comments. We’d love to hear any memorable moments, quotes, or comments. As I’m sure everyone had a unique experinece. We should have a complete report with pictures up in a week or so. For now, enjoy the flickr sets from our official photographers:
Agent Leschinski’s Set
Agent Brum’s Set
Agent Robb’s Set
Thanks to everyone who came out to participate! If this was your first event, make sure you are on the Improv In Toronto Mailing List so you’ll find out about upcoming missions. You can also join our Facebook Group and subscribe to our Youtube Channel.

No Pants Subway Ride Report Snow