No Pants 2010 Reports
Toronto’s 3rd Annual No Pants Subway Ride was a huge success today. With approximately 350 participants, and more than a full train of pantless riders, it was our biggest no pants event yet. The temperature was a breezy -6 Celcius, cold but bearable.
If you were there, comment below with any experiences you may have had! We love hearing individual stories about the ride. From your own experiences, to conversations you may have overhead. We’re also looking for any links to pictures, video, or news stories about the event!
A mission report with all the best pictures, and a fantastic video will be up hopefully within a week, so keep checking back!
Thanks to everyone who came out, and we hope to see you again soon! If you are new to Improv in Toronto, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date on all future missions. You can also help us out and subscribe to our youtube channel!
No Pants is this Sunday!
Reminder: The No Pants Subway Ride 2010 is this Sunday, in Toronto! We’re expecting cold weather, so remember to dress warmly, we will be standing outside for a bit.
Check back here after the event for reports, pictures and more. We hope to have the video up within a week. To make sure you are the first to hear about it, sign up for our mailing list and subscribe to our youtube channel!
See you Sunday!